Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Images Recreated

They often say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery.  To refresh those new to the blog, I'm a guy and I love tights. I also love my wife very dearly, and she is one of the most beautiful sexy women in my eyes. She may not know all of my secrets but she knows about my love of tights and for that she has been the best thing in my life. Anyway she wore an outfit for Christmas eve that I thought made her look great and was sexy to me. So I thought I would try and recreate the image (kind of, lol). I can at least recreate the look of the tights and the clothes that she wore which turned me on ;-)

Hope you enjoy these images. She looked even better and I was so proud to be with her that night and always.



She has a great figure and some sexy legs. However she is too shy to pose for pictures on the web. I for some reason don't have that problem, LOL. Trust me she looked way better in this outfit, but it was fun trying to recreate her look and brought back lots of great thoughts. And some thoughts made me horny too, see






So what did you think of the Christmas Eve outfit? Would love to hear your comments. xo Jaime

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas and my Little Black Dress Video

Merry Christmas everyone! Regardless of which holidays you celebrate may you find peace, health and happiness.

A dear friend noticed I hadn't been posting as much. I have taken a new job recently so my posting has been limited, but I am still enjoying my tights. As a little Christmas gift to all I decided to post my little black dress video. I know that a lbd is not necessarily Christmas wear unless going out to a party, but hopefully you will enjoy anyway. I really do love to hear your comments and try to reply to all, so please do leave some comments.

Why this video? Well, I had so much fun taking pictures in my little black dress, layered black tights and CFM heels that I had to finish with some play time. If you want to watch me cum in my tights then go ahead and play the video.

Mmmm, hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it, let me know if you were able to play along with your significant other, your favorite toy, or your favorite hand, wink, wink ;-)

Merry Christmas!
ho ho Jaime xo xo