I recently took some pictures of a new outfit. Well the outfit is sort of new, let me explain... The wife was tossing this cute little black skirt, so I pulled it out of the donation bag and donated it to myself. Laughing, so now it's my new little black skirt and I love how it hugs my hips. I borrowed the top from my wife, as this was her brand new sheer blouse. She wears it with a cami underneath but I thought it looked better without the cami. What do you think?
So I decided to post some pictures of me modeling the "new" outfit which includes: two pairs of Leggs Sheer Energy STW suntan medium support pantyhose, the little black stretchy skirt, the new sheer blouse, a black padded bra, a necklace, and black peep toe 4" cfm wedge heels.
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xo Jaime